OCEAN CREST ALLIANCE: Dedicated to Honor, Protect and Restore the Health of the World’s Oceans and the Life of the Earth’s Systems through
Conservation, Research, Education, Science and Technology.
We Focus On Marine Projects That Offer Sustainable Solutions And Long Term Results
Building Blue Economy Through Innovative Projects & Strategic Alliances
Use of funds:
Our mission directly contributes to United Nations SDGs nº14 (‘life below water’), nº2 (‘achieve food security), nº7 (‘affordable & clean energy), nº6 (‘clean water & sanitation’), nº9 (‘industry innovation & infrastructure’), nº11 (‘sustainable cities & communities’), nº8 (‘decent work’), nº5 (‘gender equality’), nº12 (‘responsible consumption & production’), nº15 (‘life on land’), nº13 (‘climate action’) and nº17 (‘partnerships for the goals), as a priority. We will dedicate our resources to build infrastructure and programs utilizing the latest most advantageous sustainable development technologies, design and build a fleet of vessels to support the sustainability of the various programs, while promoting the establishing of Marine Protected Areas (MPA’s).