Board of Directors






Captain Joseph Ierna Jr. is an Oceanman with over 4 decades of experience living and working on our oceans, activist and conservationist and is the Co-Founder and President of Ocean Crest Alliance. He was formerly a lead Project Manager with Wright Maritime Group. He holds a USCG 500 Ton Masters License [Retired]. A graduate of Westlawn School of Naval Architecture and Yacht Design. Prior to moving to the Bahamas, Joseph was in command of a Yacht fleet and yacht projects with responsibility for designing, development, managing and coordinating Super Yacht new builds, refits and shipyard operations globally.

He has published several pieces of work on marine protected areas, grouper spawning aggregations, Illegal Unregulated Unauthorized fishing activities, the effects of hurricanes and blue economy in the Bahamas, as they pertain to local communities, nature and the business of marine protected areas. Captain Ierna has significant experience in design, development and operations of blue economy business, as it directly relates to financially sustainable marine protected areas. He is an MPA revenue expert and was part of the Caribbean Challenge Initiative discussion with Government of Bahamas, the World Bank, the Nature Conservancy, and others. He has attended summits with the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (UNCBD), International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the Global Environment Facility (GEF), The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), among other multilateral agencies.

Captain Ierna has served on numerous committees that focus on marine protected areas, marine biodiversity and local communities. He was one of the Lead Authors for the Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems Journal – “Merging top-down and bottom up approaches in marine protected areas planning; Experiences from around the globe”.  His non-profit organization Ocean Crest Alliance is one of Dr. Sylvia Earle – Mission Blue – Hope Spot Champions leading to the design and development of the proposed 257,000 acre Long Island Marine Management Area (LIMMA) on Long Island Bahamas, presently on the Bahamas Government White Papers as part of their goals and commitments in marine protection and towards their broader climate change initiatives.

Captain Ierna was a key builder in the 2000 Americas Cup with the challenger team Abracadabra, on Oahu, Hawaii and Auckland, New Zealand.

“It is my hope, to make a lasting difference to our Planet Earth, by inspiring all individuals to repair and protect our precious resources; through OCA, through Blue Economy Business and financially sustainable programs in Conservation, Research, Education, Science, Technology. A Healthy Ocean and Earth is Vital to All Life!”



Nicola Ierna

A Bahamian “Family Islander”, Nicola possesses a Heavenly spirit of Heritage and Culture few know of. Living off the Land and Sea her entire life, working in Harmony with the surrounding environment. Banking and Insurance is her professional career; family, friends and island jewelry design her passion. It is this Idyllic lifestyle so many dream of, and through these life experiences she can cast a lasting impression.

“Through my deep love for God the Almighty, I wish to share all that I have learned from my Heritage, with the World; and the Nature that we live by.”

Kim Cape Beach

Dr. Kim Ierna Kitchen

Dr. Kim Ierna Kitchen grew up in St. Petersburg, Florida and has had a love for the ocean her entire life. She recently retired from a 36-year dental career. She is energized to increase communication and to bring awareness of how fragile and delicate our ocean environment is to our existence. Kim became involved with Ocean CREST Alliance to fulfill this passion and to assist in creating a sustainable village within a Marine Protected Area. 

“I wish to dedicate my time and energy to help correct what humanity has abused, our precious Oceans.”